Saturday, October 9, 2010

Adakah Felda akan tersungkur apabila Dacing tersungkur pada PRU 13? Inilah persoalan yang sentiasa bermain di kepala para peneroka dan kita pemerhati di luar. Felda di wujudkan untuk membantu rakyat Malaysia terutama golongan yang berpendapatan rendah dan memberi mereka sebidang tanah untuk di kerjakan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri dan jugak untuk Felda. Kita telah melihat sanak saudara kita yang duduk di Felda dengan selesa di bandingkan dengan di kampung dahulu. Intipatinya ialah kekuatan dan kerajinan kita yang memangkinkan kemajuan bukannya retorik yang akan menjamin kemajuan dan kebahagian hidup. Pakatan Rompah hanya menjanjikan yang manis untuk 5 tahun tetapi itu pun kalau janji-janji manis itu betul dan di kotakan tetapi kalau kita lihat negeri-negeri yang diperintah oleh Pakatan Rompah kita dapati ianya jauh api daripada panggang. Setiap sesuatu yang baik pasti akan cuba di hancurkan oleh org-org yang dengki dan mempunyai hasad tak baik dengan Felda sebabnya ialah Felda adalah agensi emas YAB PM kita. Kalau tumbang Felda maka tumbang YAB PM kita. YAB PM ada legasi yang di pikulnya daripada YAB PM Almarhum Tun Abdul Razak iaitu untuk melihat generasi Felda seterusnya menikmati keselesaan hidup seperti org lain dengan segala kemudahan dan infrastruktur. Walau bagaimanapun ada segelintar peneroka dan talibarut yang telah disemai oleh Pakatan Rompah untuk menidakkan apa yang telah di buat oleh Felda terhadap mereka. Kita kadangkala tak boleh puaskan hati semua org pasti ada cakap-cakap belakang bahawa itu dan ini tak betullah tetapi hakikatnya Felda memang telah berjaya memarcu generasi Melayu di bawah jagaannya untuk mencapai apa yang ada sekarang. Tahniah Felda dan Tahniah kepada semua yang telah berjaya melalui wawasan Felda baik peneroka ataupun anak-anak peneroka...

Felda at risk if BN loses power, warns Yusof Nor

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 9 – There is no guarantee that Felda or its poverty eradication goals will survive a change of government, its chairman Tan Sri Mohd Yusof Noor warned today.

The warning on the back of claims by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers that the agency’s cash has dwindled and used for activities incompatible with its aims.

“If the existing structure is revised, the survival of those supported by Felda cannot be guaranteed,” he told reporters after meeting some 700 settlers at Balai Felda here.

While existing settlers were no longer poor and landless as before, Felda had to keep to its “continuous agenda” to find ways to help the next generation, Yusof explained.

“If the father is no longer poor, we don’t want his child to become poor,” he said, pointing out that Felda now had to compete with countries boasting more land, better soil and cheaper labour.

Yusof blamed “certain parties” for using the agency’s settlers to further political ambitions come election time, warning that such short-term concerns could threaten the well-being of settlers.

“They (the parties) may have a five-year agenda... This five-year agenda is an election agenda.

“They hope to influence a group (of settlers) in order to reap the benefits for the next five years,” he said, in an apparent reference to PR.

Yusof stressed that both Felda and the federal government, in contrast, made long-term plans with the settlers’ best interest at heart, without regard for the general election that came around once in five years.

PR parties like PAS have taken advantage of the unhappiness in Felda settlements and have been campaigning in recent months to rally settlers, traditionally Barisan Nasional (BN) voters, to the opposition’s side.

Yusof, however, said that only 10 per cent of Felda settlers had been influenced by these parties, with the remaining 90 per cent unaffected.

He argued that the small number of settlers who bought into the “five-year agenda” was proof that Felda was not in dire straits.

“Felda is 54-years-old... If Felda had been mismanaged, Felda would not have survived.

“These 54 years we owe to good administration, and we are formulating ways to ensure that survive at least another 50 years, if not 1,000 years,” he added.

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