Monday, August 23, 2010

Surau disimbah cat, dilempar botol arak

SEREMBAN 23 Ogos - Sekumpulan ahli kariah yang hendak menunaikan solat subuh di Surau Taman Seri Pulai, Temiang dekat sini, hari ini terkejut apabila mendapati bangunan surau itu disimbah cat merah.

Lebih mengejutkan, surau berkenaan yang baru sahaja beroperasi beberapa bulan lalu turut dilempar botol minuman keras oleh individu tidak dikenali.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah negeri, Asisten Komisioner Mohd. Zaki Masroh berkata, kejadian itu dipercayai dilakukan antara pukul 1 dan 5 pagi dan ia disedari penduduk kawasan berkenaan yang ingin menunaikan solat subuh.

"Berdasarkan siasatan polis, kita menjumpai kesan cat dipercayai dibaling ke pintu surau berkenaan.

"Malah, pihak polis turut menemui kesan bekas serpihan kaca botol minuman keras di sekitar longkang, namun tiada sebarang kerosakan surau dilaporkan," katanya ditemui di tempat kejadian.

Mohd. Zaki turut memberitahu, berdasarkan siasatan awal pihaknya yakin kejadian itu mungkin dilakukan oleh beberapa orang suspek berdasarkan kepada kesan yang dialami oleh surau berkenaan.

Namun, katanya, sehingga kini pihaknya masih menyiasat motif serangan selain sedang mengenal pasti punca kejadian.

Sehubungan itu, Mohd. Zaki meminta penduduk Islam di kawasan terbabit bertenang dan tidak melakukan sebarang tindakan melulu.

Jelasnya, siasatan secara profesional akan dilakukan oleh pihaknya bagi menjejaki suspek yang terlibat.

"Biar pihak polis jalankan siasatan dan kita minta penduduk tidak bertindak sesuka hati atau mengikut perasaan. Mereka yang mempunyai maklumat berhubung kejadian ini diminta tampil membantu siasatan," katanya.

Baca petikan komen-komen di bawah di petik daripada Free Malayasia Today:-

written by mikemui, August 24, 2010 12:37:36

Who else if not the drunkard UMNOs!
The non-Muslims in Malaysia are CIVILISED people!

written by Beezee_Beezee, August 24, 2010 10:53:37
Certainly I can assumed this is BN collaboration initiatives as the game plan during the Ramadan. I could not imagine MCA current leader could touch on this sensitive issue. But surely UMNO leaders know the objectives of the game plan.
BN leaders knows they are loosing support from all of us Malaysian and one of the objectives is definately PKFZ, SYABAS, MAS, and the list go on. Follow by the Ops Lalang-Lalang 2. what else do the want and this is the simplest one.

written by Davy McChester, August 24, 2010 10:32:02
Everything possible to incite and create race and religious unrest has not worked . UMNO is becoming desperate each day as its hold on power dwindles .Malaysians all walks of life have matured and want a change, to take back the country to prosperity and racial harmony ,but without the likes of UMNO anymore. UMNO should realize ,creating racial tension during its period of gasping breath for survival will not be good when it becomes the opposition. Malaysians want to get rid of race politics and want the future law enforcement to treat crimes & criminals without any special preferences

written by a guest, August 24, 2010 10:00:48
Of course UMNO did it. Which non muslim is so stupid to do this? You think we are stupid?

written by merchant222, August 24, 2010 09:55:55
Najib, don't try OPs Lalang 2 lah! THE PEOPLE already know what you and your dying coalition called BARUAH NASIONAL is getting at !

Let me remind you that people behind bars under ISA will win the elections hands down. Haven't you seen it with your own eyes? You STUPID or DUMB?

My advice to you to win the election is;

1) Lock up all those racist seditious pariahs from your side, people like Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali, YOUR DPM, the cow head goons, the racist principals, Toyol, Noh, Musa Hassan, Nasir Safar, Ahmad Ismail and the likes of the rest of the racist clan.

2) Bring Mahatahi and family, Ling Long Sick and family, Sami Value and family, Tiong, Toyol, Liow,
Soi Lek, Donald Duck Lim, Rafidah, Azalina, Ng YY, Sharizat, Vincent Tan and family, Naza family, etc, etc, etc, the farking whole internet also cannot finish putting in all those names lah.... to answer charges of their abuse, corruption and robbery of national and state coffers.

3) STOP all the kangaroo court circus. Settle the Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Anwar and the rest of the BN circus cases without interference and manipulation and bring to book those who have bloodied their hands.

If you can, (but you cannot , right?), you will win the next election with better results than Pak Lah!
But since you yourself with your queen are both tainted as well, that's why you cannot win.

If you cannot do what you have been told, expect annihilation in GE13th. Oh yah!, try beefing up the civil servants to vote for you in the next election??? You are spending tax-payers money to make sure they vote for you??? Try just that ! We are blind, are We???

written by kksam, August 24, 2010 09:53:44
This only happens under the shit of NAJIS. Never before we saw churches burned, surau being attacked with pig head la, now red paint. It is only now, under NAJIB that we saw all this shits flying around.

written by Angela Ooi, August 24, 2010 09:30:42
Most definitely Black Ops in operation as warned by RPK earlier. Light a few fires,stir more trouble here and htere, then place country under martial law and Bn can rule forever with all their dirty secrets and loot intact.

written by Semuaok, August 24, 2010 08:53:44
Look the Malay didn't get angry when baby are being throw. So why would Malay get angry when it's only paint and bottle. No one die ma..... not so fast, hold your cow.

written by Semuaok, August 24, 2010 08:41:58
Sound like Ah Long to me. See I told you God cannot handle money.

written by eloofk, August 24, 2010 08:06:39
Just like how they framed up charges to nail Anwar.

Some evil hands are behind to use religion and race to incite animosity among the races!

I have commented many times, Malaysians please dont fall into this evil plot of the powers that be and be united because, if we fight among ourselves, the outcome is too obvious. There will be no winners except that the most Evil One will get away with all that he had looted from the country and free himself from punishment!!!

Be wise and be more discerning!!!

written by sedan, August 24, 2010 07:31:43
The DAP and the MCA have quickly reacted to this incident, urging for calm. First, before Chinese chambers of commerces demand equality, they should come clean on their leaders' links to underground criminal syndicates and their collusions in the abuse of power seen during Mahathir's reign.

Incidents such as the recent surau desecration are typical of Mahathir but all the Tan Sris, Datuk Seris and Datuks within the MCA should ask themselves how they benefited immensely from lopsided economic policies that favoured no open tenders.


Be careful of movements demanding "equality" but do not practise it themselves. It leads to social mayhem and they probably work hand in glove with the same powers they purportedly are fighting against.

I have one question for you all. Does the MCA practice meritocracy within its ranks or is it not a sleazy enterprise representing sleazy business interests? In my opinion, the DAP is no better. The likes of Ronnie Liu are just the beginning.

written by batsman, August 24, 2010 07:25:19
Who gains by this act of vandalism?

written by cheekhiaw, August 24, 2010 07:19:00
Setting fire so as to rob - Chinese saying

written by alacarte, August 24, 2010 07:09:40
No one knows who were the culprits, but given the current political climate, we can really make a good guess on which group of political parties or organizations are responsible for this.

Without doubt, Abraham and his gangs will more or less point their fingers at, well we know who.

written by imanj, August 24, 2010 07:00:51
This is normally the attitude at making a bad situation look worst..It would be just to make the non-malays look like the culprits..I do not think anyone with the right attitude would do such thongs..These people are just plain gangsters with sinful attitude..whether it is a church,mosque,temple...the one who do it are just hateful for all races...

written by cheekhiaw, August 24, 2010 06:54:02
Thieves with spare time out for cheap thrill...

written by Littlebird, August 24, 2010 06:52:26
First they started with cow -nothing happened bcoz Hindus are very tolerant. The they burnt the Church - also nothing happened because Christians are thought to love their enemies. Then the break the Sikh temple also nothing happened. So now they have targeted suraus.. Somebody really hate this country to be peaceful. I really sokong hudud in this case.

written by Fart Fart Wah, August 24, 2010 06:51:49
BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD.....I hope those who did this are caught and not let lose...throw them into the jail or ISA permanently.........rot there..

written by Democrats, August 24, 2010 06:49:06
I hope regardless if it was done by UMNO themselves or some disgruntled religious nut or racist, the perpretrators will be caught and brought to justice swiftly! Time we put our foot down on this non-sense, pig head, cow head, bullets, red paint, etc.....

And if they are caught, we should just hang them, chop them up and feed them wild dogs or pigs. they do not deserve a religious nor racial burial.....
written by joejoe, August 24, 2010 00:18:29
Aiyoooo !!!!

They think we are so stoopid. When you use liquor bottles, you are trying to tell us that this was done by non-Muslims , is it? Where got so stoopid? IF I were to do it, I will make sure I disguise it so it will not reflect on me or my kind.

written by brotherhood, August 24, 2010 00:04:07
This is a CLEAR sign that UMNO is Desperate....and a desperate UMNO.... Can and Will do Desperate things.

So all true Muslim Malaysians must Condemn this Desperate UMNO ACTs of STUPIDITY.

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