Sunday, April 28, 2013


Tempers are becoming frayed. Weariness has set in after more than a week of verbal assaults from both sides while their more extreme supporters have resorted to physical attacks. Despite the fatigue, candidates are stepping up their wooing of voters. Welcome to the second leg of the campaigning when the battle for influence is certain to heat up.

A survey showed campaigning had intensified with supporters going door-to-door to distribute leaflets. There have also been more frequent ceramah and walkabouts by contestants and party leaders who have turned up at various constituencies to support their candidates. Flags and banners have increased sharply in numbers. Selangor Barisan has turned its campaigning up a notch by sending recorded messages from its candidates to voters via phone calls. It has also been sending out more SMSes. Voter Stacy Lim was surprised when she received a call yesterday from a number in Shah Alam only to hear a recorded message from Ampang Barisan candidate Datuk Dr Rodziah Talib. “The lady identified herself and urged voters to be with Barisan,” the 45-year-old housewife said. Both Barisan and Pakatan have been busier than ever distributing brochures, listing their achievements and the failures of the enemy.

In the face of rising political temperatures and violence, the Election Commission (EC) has stepped in with a guide on campaigning rules and ethics to be observed by all candidates and parties. The EC wants a peaceful and orderly campaign without chaos and threats. Candidates have been reminded not to incite hatred, and racial, religious or cultural animosity, be it verbal, written or in pictorial forms.

Over 1,400 cases of polls-related violence and intimidation had been reported since nomination day on April 20. The EC also urged all sides to abide by the campaigning period, obtain permits for open ceramah, meetings and public entertainment, and warned that places of worship were off limits. Campaigners are also not allowed to use buildings and other premises without the permission of the owners, local authorities and relevant parties. They are also barred from posting banners or posters on or along bridges or at crossroads that could jeopardise the safety of road users.

Malaysia akan berada dalam situasi bahaya sekiranya rakyat memilih pihak yang tidak berpengalaman untuk menerajui kerajaan pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13). Bekas Menteri Kewangan Tun Daim Zainuddin berkata dalam keadaan krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia ketika ini, ia bukanlah masa yang sesuai untuk rakyat menukar tampuk pemerintahan negara dengan menyerahkannya kepada pakatan pembangkang yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman. "Sekarang ini krisis ekonomi dunia, di Amerika Syarikat, Eropah, Jepun, India, China, masalah ekonomi akan berlaku". "Kalau kita ambil kerajaan yang kita tidak tahu, tidak ada pengalaman lingkuplah negara kita"....Mengenai PRU13, Daim berkata beliau berkeyakinan Barisan Nasional (BN) akan mengekalkan kuasa sebagai Kerajaan Persekutuan, dan BN mempunyai peluang yang cerah untuk mendapatkan kembali Kedah dan Selangor, yang kini ditadbir parti pembangkang. Beliau berkata ini boleh dicapai sekiranya pemimpin dan anggota Umno serta parti komponen BN bersatu. BERSATU KITA TEGUH BERCERAI KITA ROBOH...


    Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tidak segan untuk mengakui BN mungkin tidak sempurna sepenuhnya namun ia telah melakukan yang lebih baik daripada puak pembangkang. Serentak dengan itu melihat pada cacamarba dalam manifesto pembangkang dan perbezaan ideloji yang ketara antara mereka Perdana Menteri kata beliau tidak yakin  pembangkang tidak berupaya membentuk kerajaan yang stabil dan berjaya.

    Malah,katanya perdebatan dan perbezaan ideologi antara PAS dan DAP serta kecelaruan dalam PKR bakal mencetus perbalahan hebat sekaligus mengundang ketidakstabilan kepada negara. "Dengan DAP dan PAS terus bertelagah dalam isu hudud serta pertembungan sesama sendiri calon PAS dan PKR dalam pilihan raya ini, kita yakin pakatan yang tidak sepakat itu akan terus berbalah jika diberi peluang membentuk kerajaan. "Bagi kami, kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) mungkin tidak perfect (sempurna) sepenuhnya tetapi kami telah melakukan yang lebih baik daripada mereka sebenarnya...

    Najib, yang juga Pengerusi BN berkata rakyat tidak harus membenarkan perkara itu berlaku kerana keadaan itu akan merencatkan pembangunan negara yang kini berada di landasan terbaik di bawah kerajaan BN. Sambil mengingatkan rakyat supaya tidak tertipu dengan manifesto pakatan pembangkang kerana katanya sebagai Menteri Kewangan beliau mempunyai cukup maklumat bahawa apa yang dijanjikan pembangkang hanyalah janji palsu yang tidak mampu ditunaikan semudah seperti yang dilaungkan.

    "Percayalah pada saya, sebagai menteri kewangan saya tahu apa yang dijanjikan pembangkang itu hanya janji palsu...bukan senang nak turunkan harga minyak, turunkan tol atau hapuskan PTPTN, ia tidak semudah itu, banyak aspek yang perlu diambil kira. "Anda tidak boleh menurunkan (harga) semua benda dalam satu masa dan yang penting rakyat kena tahu pakatan pembangkang hanya tahu berjanji tetapi kerajaan BN sebenarnya sudah melaksanakan sebahagian daripada apa yang dijanjikan mereka," katanya. Perdana menteri berkata rakyat boleh melakukan perubahan sama ada secara radikal seperti 'Arab Spring' atau membenarkan kerajaan sedia ada melakukan perubahan.

    Najib berkata kegagalan akibat Arab Spring perlu dijadikan panduan kerana perubahan yang dibuat melalui desakan bakal mengundang keadaan lebih buruk, sesuatu yang tentunya tidak diinginkan rakyat. Beliau berkata dalam konteks Malaysia, pelabur telah yakin dengan dasar transformasi yang dibawa kerajaan BN dan untuk pelaburan lebih besar mereka menuntut kepada kesinambungan pemerintahan yang ada ketika ini. Najib turut menarik perhatian bahawa pakatan pembangkang kini mula bermimpi untuk menakluk Putrajaya sedangkan sokongan rakyat menunjukkan sebaliknya.

    YAB PM

    2/3 MAJORITY

    As the campaign period for the 13th general election reaches its mid-way mark, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is confident that the people are with Barisan Nasional and that the coalition will garner a two-thirds majority. The Barisan chairman said initial hiccups, which the coalition had experienced following the unveiling of the candidates, had been resolved. “Barisan is running on full gear and we are confident that the target (two-thirds majority) will be achieved”....

    He said that although Barisan still had its share of problems, it was worse for the opposition as Pakatan Rakyat parties were dissatisfied with seat allocations in several areas. This, he said, had resulted in the parties contesting, not just with Barisan or Independent candidates, but against each other. Najib said support from voters in the rural and interior areas “remained solid” as the people realised that their future would be with the coalition.

    As for the mixed constituencies, he said Barisan stood a good chance at recapturing these seats, adding that there was also improved support in the Chinese majority areas. “There is improvement but we need to double our efforts and work harder,” said Najib. “Even though we are confident of achieving our two-thirds target, I don't want our election machinery to be complacent”...

    Datuk Seri Najib Razak today dismissed the Opposition's "Ubah" (Change) or "Inikalilah" (Now) slogan as a mere gimmick to draw attention, and advised the people not to be influenced by it.
    The prime minister said the supposed nectar behind the slogan was actually venom, which had been experienced by the people in the four states governed by the Opposition. Kelantan, Kedah, Penang and Selangor are administered by the opposition pact. "Some of us in the four states administered by the Opposition have fallen for the 'Ubah' slogan, but today the people there are disappointed because their chosen governments are unable to deliver on their promises.

    "Therefore, I wish to remind the people against falling for the slogan because they have done nothing after having been given the mandate to run these state governments, he said when addressing the people in Dataran Krian, here.

    Najib said the disappointment of the people in Selangor should be taken as a lesson by the people, especially in Sarawak, so as not to elect candidates from the PKR. The BN chairman said that unlike the BN, which had a plan and a road map for the states and the country, PKR had failed to meet the aspirations of the people.
    "PKR cannot provide for the future of the people here. Believe me, they have failed in Selangor. They will surely fail in Sarawak," he said. Najib advised the people to make a wise decision, saying an electoral fight could not looked at from the point of any individual but should encompass capability and trust to take care of the people and their future. The prime minister said the choice of the Sarawak people on polling day on May 5 was significant to ensure a strong BN government at the federal level.


    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak says BN members should avoid sabotage and other internal problems during the campaign period as it could affect the coalition's chances to win in the general election.

    He said even cases of party workers not doing their work were sabotage, and so he urged BN members to unite and step up their efforts during this remainder of the campaign period.
    "I have said before that a two thirds victory can be achieved, on condition that internal problems which are detrimental to our achievement (are avoided).



    The Chinese community in Kedah should reject Pakatan Rakyat which has hardly done anything for the people since taking over the state in 2008, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Seri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    He pointed out that the former Pas-led state government had not built a single temple or Chinese schools in the state for the past five years. On the other hand, Barisan Nasional which had been constantly accused by the opposition coalition as sidelining the Chinese community, had continuously provided various assistance to ensure their education are taken care of. "Pakatan Rakyat tries to sow hatred among  the Chinese by claiming that all the Chinese schools will be shut down if Barisan Nasional is given the mandate to rule.

    "This is all a lie and desperate attempt by the party to make people vote against BN. "In actual, there has not been a single Chinese school closed down over the past 56 years BN in power. In fact more were established through various aid by BN- led government...

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