Friday, August 13, 2010
DAP's election evangelism begins
Its' leaders nationwide had been isntructed to preach about the pro-people policies which would come into effect should Pakatan Rakyat form government, in a bid to win the hearts and minds of the voters.
Announcing this at a press conference at the party headquarters here, secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the decision was made by the Central Executive Committee (CEC).
He said the CEC wanted its leaders to focus on three major policy initiatives which would come into effect should Pakatan reach the light at the end of the Putrajaya tunnel.
“First, we will ensure that saman ekor (postal traffic summons) is abolished. Blacklisting owners of vehicles is unfair and declared illegal by the courts as it is contrary to natural justice,” he said.
“Second, senior citizens above the age of 60 will be given RM1,000 a year in appreciation of their past contributions to the nation. And third, to encourage innovation and breed human talent, we will provide free Wi-Fi throughout Malaysia,” he added.
Lim, who revealed that the initiatives had the backing of other Pakatan parties, however denied that these were populist measures.
“They are not populist measures, (giving money to the people) has been implemented in other countries. These are international practices, even in Thailand,” he said.
'We lose more in corruption'
If the RM1,000 for senior citizens policy was implemented, Lim said a total of RM2.1 billion would have to be dished out, and this, he conceded, would stir controversy.
“People will ask where we got the money from? But we have to think of how much we lose in corruption every year... this amounts to RM28 billion, and RM2.1 billion is not even one percent of that…giving money to yourself is wrong, giving money to people, is not wrong,” he said.
Lim, who is the penang chief minister, said the party would continue giving RM1,000 to senior citizens “as long as Pakatan Rakyat is in power”.
He, however, dismissed claims that this was a form of vote-buying since the election date had yet to be announced.
Hapus cukai 5 tahun jika Pakatan jadi kerajaan
Dzulfikar Mashoor |
KUALA KRAI, 17 Julai: Pakatan Rakyat sedia mencari jalan untuk memansuhkan cukai selama lima tahun sekiranya rakyat sedia memberi mandat pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) kelak.
"Kalau Pakatan Rakyat dapat ambil alih (kerajaan) Pusat lepas PRU13, cukai pendapatan akan dimansuhkan sepenggal atau sekurang-kurangnya kakitangan kerajaan tak perlu bayar sepenggal," ujar beliau. Menurut beliau, kepemimpinan Pakatan Rakyat mempunyai formula tersendiri untuk urus tadbir kewangan negara secara adil, dinamik dan tidak membebankan rakyat. Disebabkan itu, beliau menganggap langkah pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Perdana Menteri menaikkan harga barangan asasi rakyat sebagai tindakan yang tidak bijak serta tidak menguntungkan rakyat. Katanya lagi, kerajaan sepatutnya mengutamakan keperluan rakyat dengan menangguhkan beberapa projek mega yang nyata menguntungkan pihak tertentu semata-mata. Tidak cukup dengan itu, beliau turut menganggap pentadbiran Najib bertindak menipu rakyat kerana tidak terlebih dahulu membawa cadangan menaikkan harga minyak RON95, diesel, gula dan petroleum gas cecair (LPG) ke Dewan Rakyat baru-baru ini. Tambahnya, indakan Najib yang juga Menteri Kewangan I mengumumkan kenaikan harga beberapa barangan tersebut sejurus selesai sidang Dewan Rakyat seolah-olah tidak mengiktiraf kedudukan Dewan Rakyat dalam sistem demokrasi negara. Impak dari kenaikan harga beberapa komoditi tersebut, katanya lagi, meninggalkan kesan berantai seperti inflasi yang nyata cukup menghimpit kehidupan kaum nelayan, petani, peniaga hatta pengguna sendiri. Turut hadir mengisi pentas bantahan adalah Ketua Pemuda PAS Kelantan, Abdul Latif Abdul Rahman (Adun Mengkebang), Bendahari PAS Pusat, Dr. Mohd Hatta Ramli (Ahli Parlimen Kuala Krai) serta Tony Phua (Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara). |
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