August 01, 2010

The Umno deputy president was confident that such a move will help the party regain the trust of the people after suffering historic losses in Election 2008.
“Where are we heading? The government has taken radical steps to ensure that we can become a developed nation by 2020 and the prime minister has launched his 1 Malaysia platform and the New Economic Model.
“However, the political transformation has been slow and we must not neglect it. We must have a balance approach in transforming the government. If we are able to achieve the balance then I am confident that we can regain the confidence and public perception in the near future,” he said when opening Federal Territory Umno Convention at Biro Tata Negara headquarters here.
The deputy prime minister also urged Umno members to forge a stronger working relationship with Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties.
“We must ensure that we have a close working relationship. This is important because we want the voters to see that we do not move on the platform of Umno only but also Barisan Nasional,” he said.
Muhyiddin admitted that public perception still remains the main obstacle for Umno to regain the electorate.
“It is important that we have a better relationship with the Chinese and Indians, we must not be seen to only protect the welfare of the Malays but also the other communities which can help us improve public perception,” he said.
He added that public still perceive that Umno is indifferent towards the grassroots.
“The main problem is the perception even though it is not right but that is what they see. They feel that we are still aloof and not aware of the problems affecting the people. That is why we must be willing to go to the grassroots and be seen working to help them,” he said.
Muhyiddin said the Umno must also be prepared to counter Pakatan Rakyat’s propaganda.
“They (PR) have began to campaign even though election is still far away. They going to different parts of the country and spreading lies to the people. If Umno is not aggressive in its approach then we will be seen as weak,” he said.
He said Umno leaders must be fluent with modern technology.
“The opposition is better in using the cyber media to criticise the government but the reaction and response from the government and party has been very slow,” he said.
He added that Umno must be proactive and reactive to allegations by PR.
“We must show that we are ready to face the problems and issues manipulated by the opposition. It is important that we are ready to respond and defend the government. If that does not happen, then the confidence of the people will deteriorate gradually.
“We must take the bull by the horn and must always answer with confidence and facts to allegations made by the opposition. We must be proactive and not reactive, offensive and not defensive in facing the opposition,” he said.
Muhyiddin also urged Umno branch leaders to create special teams to register new voters.
“This initiative must be implemented immediately because the opposition has been more effective in registering new voters and the numbers have increased every month. We must be better,” he said.

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