Jangan kita asyikmenabur fitnah, dengki dan meracuni pemikiran org Melayu Islam dengan mengatakan bahawa UMNO/BN tidak boleh memerintah kerana korup, kroni, salah guna kuasa, kafir, tidak Islam dan pengkhianat agama, bangsa dan negara. Kita renung diri kita adakah kita dapat memerintah lebih baik dan lebih mulia daripada UMNO/BN di masa akan datang walaupun pemimpin yang bakal menduduki kerusi Putrajaya tersebut seterang lagi bersuluh tidak mempunyai kredibiliti kepimpinan yang cari oleh org Islam Malaysia.
Adakah kegagalan kerajaan Dacing dan PDRM serta SPRM untuk membawa balik Si Kitul dan Raja Mandeliar itu boleh di ibaratkan sebagai satu sopak yang telah teruk sehinggakan kaki tersebut mesti di buang. Kita kena lihat senario perhubungan Malaysia dan UK mengenai ekstradisi. Mengapa ianya agar sukar untuk Malaysia membawa balik Si Kitul dan Raja Mandeliar ini. Kita jangan menuduh kerajaan Dacing takut akan pendedahan yang akan di buat oleh Si Kitul dan Raja Mandeliar ini. Pada saya sekiranya betul pendedahan tersebut kita rela tumbangkan Keris/Dacing dan suruh Keris/Dacing kosongkan Putrajaya tetapi sekiranya fitnah dan palsu maka Si Kitul dan Raja Mandeliar akan terima akibatnya nanti.

(Harakahdaily) - Edisi kedua Suara Keadilan diterbitkan dengan versi "Obor Keadilan" kini boleh didapati di pasaran sejak Selasa lalu selepas edisi pertama "Keadilan" yang diterbit awal minggu lalu.
Edisi terbaru kali ini adalah yang kedua diterbitkan secara tidak berkala selepas permit akhbar PKR itu berakhir 7 Julai lalu dan belum diperbaharui Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN).
Muka depan edisi terbaru ini meletakkan tajuk "Selain Felda...BN Perah Petronas" dengan bilangan keseluruhan 24 muka surat dan dicetak sebanyak 30 ribu unit.
Edisi ini difahamkan mendedahkan bagaimana Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang didakwa memaksa Petronas membayar RM30 bilion setiap tahun untuk perbelanjaan negara walaupun keuntungan syarikat gergasi itu mengalami penyusutan ketara.
Di Muka Belakang pula, edisi Obor Keadilan ini meletakkan tajuk "Badut Umno tuduh Anwar Alat CIA" difahamkan merujuk kepada laporan akhbar Utusan berhubung perkara itu baru-baru ini.
Utusan sebelum ini mendakwa kononnya Anwar sanggup membayar stesen televisyen CNN untuk menemuramah beliau.
Bagaimanapun, edisi kali ini bukan lagi 'edaran percuma' seperti edisi pertama Keadilan yang juga edisi pengenalan awal minggu lalu.
Ianya diterbitkan oleh Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) bagi pihak Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
Suara Keadilan mula bermasalah apabila akhbar itu menyiarkan berita menghentam Felda bertajuk "Felda Bankrap" pada keluaran bertarikh 22-29 Jun lalu sehingga disaman pihak Felda.
Selain Felda, pihak KDN juga terus memberi tekanan kepada pihak penerbitan Suara Keadilan apabila tidak memperbaharui permit pernerbitan akhbar tersebut.
KDN juga sebelum ini telah memberi amaran untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap parti dan pemimpinnya sekiranya PKR berkeras untuk menerbitkan lidah rasmi yang telah digantung itu.
Selain itu KDN juga turut membuat laporan polis ke atas penerbit akhbar tersebut kerana menerbitkan 'dokumen rahsia'.
Ahad lalu, Dzulkarnain diarahakan ke ibu pejabat polis daerah Putrajaya bagi membantu siasatan berhubung dakwaan berkenaan.
Pihak KDN bagaimanapun masih tidak berpuas hati dengan penjelasan yang diberikanWhat we had intended, if MACC had turned up, was for Bala to highlight the series of events in that are a conspiracy web at the highest level to keep out references to Najib,” said Manjeet Singh Dhillon. “Why did they miss a golden opportunity? Because it is dangerous to people who hold the reins of power".
Inilah kerja-kerja Si Kitul yang amat terancang dan sungguh licik berlindung di bawah undang-undang UK. Buktikan di Malaysia di mana "conspiracy web at the highest level to keep out references to Najib". Ini menunjukkan siapa yang berkonspirasi untuk meletakkan YAB PM sebagai "it is dangerous to peaople who hold the reins of power". Kita baca ini dan letakkan diri kita di tengah pergelutan ini dan tanya di ri sendiri di manakah cahaya yang kita boleh lihat dan di manakah lorong gelap gelita yang kita hendak cari. RPK says will return if no ISA for him
By Shannon Teoh
July 10, 2010

Raja Petra has offered to return if Najib vows not to welcome him with the ISA. — file pic
LONDON, July 10 — Going to musicals, enjoying dinner with a group of Malaysian friends until 11pm, and speaking at public events.
Raja Petra Kamarudin, the controversial blogger that the Malaysian police claims it is actively hunting, hardly seems like a man in hiding.
Or, as many reports have put it, a fugitive.
It is a term he bristles at. He said detention without trial is the only thing stopping him from returning home to Malaysia.
“Why am I being called a fugitive, or runaway, or worse, that I absconded? Like I embezzled money and fled the country,” he told The Malaysian Insider in an exclusive interview here.
The writer of the No Holds Barred column in web portal, Malaysia Today, insisted that since he is not convicted of any crime and nor were there any standing charges or arrest warrants, he cannot possibly be classified as a fugitive.
He also does not have to appear for the appeal against his release from the Internal Security Act (ISA), a law that allows for detention without trial at the prerogative of the home minister, a case which has seen no progress since Raja Petra left Malaysia in May 2009 .
However, critics point out that he was not in the country when an arrest warrant was issued after he failed to show up for the hearing on a criminal defamation charge last year, resulting in a discharge not amounting to an acquittal in November as the police failed to execute the warrant.
But the man known by his initials, RPK, claimed he left the country not because he wanted to flee charges of sedition and criminal defamation, but that his sources had informed him that a new ISA detention order was being prepared at the time.
“We were winning all the court cases. We were making the government look stupid. My lawyers to this day regret that we had to leave,” he said of the charges levelled at him due to his accusation that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, were involved in the death of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shariibuu, and a related submarine deal that French authorities are now investigating for an alleged irregularity in commission payment, said to amount to a whopping RM500 million.
To back his claim, he issued an open offer to Najib to “guarantee me that I will not be placed under ISA and forget another six charges I know they were preparing, and I will come back and fight the sedition and criminal defamation cases.”
Raja Petra has spent the past few months calling what appears to be the government’s bluff. When police insisted they were still trying to track his whereabouts, he came out to speak in public in May, claiming the Barisan Nasional government knew all along as he had met various Umno figures in the United Kingdom over the past year.
He also told The Malaysian Insider in this interview that his lawyers have informed Scotland Yard that he was available to them anytime, and he has also challenged the government to attempt to extradite him.
Raja Petra was confident that it has not done so as such an attempt would, he claimed, play into his hands.
“With sedition and criminal defamation, the truth of the matter is not material, only whether the statement has caused hurt. But to extradite me, they have to establish dual criminality.”
His point was that a case in a UK court would be based on a different charge that would have to establish whether his allegations against Najib and Rosmah were true, as these two crimes — sedition and criminal defamation — have been abolished in the UK early this year.
But perhaps the one thing that irked him more than being called a fugitive is the idea that he has required funding during his stay in the UK, having left Malaysia over a year ago.
Both Najib and Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, a deputy minister, have claimed that Raja Petra is not trustworthy as he is funded by the opposition.
“You think I pokai (penniless) ah? You don’t know how much property I own, or shares, or any of my financial background.
“Do you know how many public-listed companies I was director of in the 1980s?” he said as he laughed off the notion that he was bankrupt.
He explained that he was sent a letter giving him 14 days to contest his bankruptcy on April 14, 2001 but this was only three days into his 60-day stint under his first ISA detention.
“The man I was supposed to have guaranteed was Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, who has accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of harassing his wife. Why would I have guaranteed such a person?” he said, alleging a frame-up.
“But in any case, everyone knows you can put assets in your wife’s name or your daughter’s name.”
For now, he is happy to continue taunting Najib’s administration, and in his most recent column entry, he told the government to stop harassing other individuals with regards to funding him or another central figure in the Altantuya saga, the private investigator P. Balasubramaniam hired by Abdul Razak Baginda, a close associate of Najib’s who was being harassed by the Mongolian.
“Hey, no need to investigate the lawyers. The lawyers are not paying for private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s expenses here in London... I just wanted it on record that Raja Petra Kamarudin is paying for Bala’s trip to London and Paris — so no need to harass anyone else,” he wrote.
PI Bala: Razak Baginda is innocent
By Shannon Teoh
July 07, 2010

Lawyers Americk Sidhu and Manjeet Singh Dhillon flank private detective P. Balasubramaniam, in London. – Picture by Danny Lim
LONDON, July 7 – Private detective P. Balasubramaniam today dropped a bombshell by insisting that his former client Abdul Razak Baginda was not involved in the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shariibuu.
Although Abdul Razak, a close associate of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, was acquitted of the crime, certain quarters, especially those in the opposition, continue to assert that he is culpable.
“As far as I am concerned, Razak is a scapegoat. He has got nothing to do with the murder,” said the former Special Branch detective of his then client.
Balasubramaniam, who has been living in India since releasing statutory declarations on the murder, reasoned that there was no reason for Abdul Razak, on the night of Oct 19, 2006, to hire him until Oct 26, 2006, if he knew that Shariibuu would be murdered that night.
“Yes, he was financing her and he had a relationship with her, but as far as I am concerned, he is innocent. In fact, my testimony in court saved him,” he added.
Balasubramaniam had first released a statutory declaration in 2008 that detailed various links to Najib including the three officers who were part of the then deputy prime minister’s security detail having picked up Shariibuu on the night of her death – two of whom, chief inspector Azilah Hadri and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar were sentenced to death for the crime.
Although, he then released a second declaration the next day removing all links to Najib, he has since gone on record stating that he did so under duress and was offered RM5 million to change his stance by Najib’s brother, Datuk Mohamed Nazim Razak.
He has also identified another man who drove past Abdul Razak’s house on the night of the murder as Datuk Nasir Safar, an aide of Najib’s who has since been sacked after he made derogatory remarks about Malaysian Chinese and Indians in a public event.
In a press conference here today, Balasubramaniam and his lawyers expressed disappointment that an interview with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) scheduled for the past two days had been cancelled as they were eager to stress the “conspiracy web” that seemed to centre on Najib.
“What we had intended, if MACC had turned up, was for Bala to highlight the series of events in that are a conspiracy web at the highest level to keep out references to Najib,” said Manjeet Singh Dhillon.
“Why did they miss a golden opportunity? Because it is dangerous to people who hold the reins of power,” said Americk Sidhu.
They stressed that they have never stated that Balasubramaniam would not appear in court, so long as the right person was being tried. As such, the reason given by MACC, on the advice of the Attorney-General’s office, that a statement recorded overseas was not useful, was flimsy.
“Never in theory nor practice, do you make that decision beforehand. You collect all statements and investigate and then you decide on witnesses,” said Manjeet.
Balasubramaniam also confirmed that he would be recording his statement in Paris on Monday to French authorities who are investigating the possibility of unlawful practices with regards to commissions paid – alleged to be RM500 million – in the purchase of Scorpene submarines by the Malaysian government.
Shariibuu’s alleged involvement in the deal is as a translator, for which she demanded US$500,000 for her services.
Balasubramaniam also added that even though he has been given up to RM750,000 by Deepak Jaikrishnan, a carpet dealer who is said to be a close associate of Najib’s wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, he has been surviving in India on his own funds.
“I am from South India. My father left me and his two daughters property there after he passed away. I am self-sufficient,” he said to dispel reports that he has been funded by opposition figures.
Mata Sepet lebih drastik dengan mengeluarkan terbitan di akhbarnya Suara Keadilan dengan mengatakan Felda Bankrap. Akibatnya Suara Keadilan di panggil oleh KDN dan di saman oleh Felda sebanyak RM200 juta sebagai Saman Malu. YAB PM telah memaklumkan para peneroka bahawa Felda akan meneruskan saman tersebut. Walaupun KDN telah mengeluarkan arahan tutup kepada Suara Keadilan tetapi Mata Sepet Tin Cuai telah mengarahkan akhbat tersebut di terbitkan jugak. Inilah Tin Cuai yang telah mengigit anggota polis dan di dakwa di Mahkamah tetapi Mahkamah telah menjatuhkan hukuman dengan denda RM2,000-00 bagi mengelakkan pembaziran wang kerajaan untuk PRK di kawasan Batu. Tin Cuai ini memang terkenal sebagai seorang perwatakan licik dan pengempur di dalam Mata Sepet...
Setelah Si Kitul 4 juta dipecat daripada Team Bulan Penuh maka terpaksalah Boss sendiri yang menjadi Si Kitul dengan kenyataan kononnya Felda hilang 8 billion bukannya 2.7 billion. Bulan Penuh tahu kalau nak kalahkan Keris dan Dacing kena tawan FELDA kalau tidak jangan harap dapat kunci Putrajaya....maka Si Kitul-Si Kitul Bulan Penuh sekarang ini tengah korek dan terus mengorek untuk menambah jumlah kerugian FELDA kepada trillion pulak supaya org-org FELDA nampak betapa kerajaan Keris dan Dacing telah memperbodohkan mereka...Soalannya sekarang siapa yang memperbodohkan siapa...
Felda hilang RM8 billion bukannya RM2.7 billion Harakahdaily |
KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Jun: Datuk Husam Musa mendakwa, rezab tunai Felda telah susut sebanyak RM8 bilion sejak diambil alih Datuk Seri Najib Razak bukannya 2.7 bilion sebagaimana didakwa Datuk Ahmad Maslan.
Ini kerana, susut rezab bukannya jumlah yang ada pada tahun 2004 tolak jumlah yang ada sekarang kerana dalam tempoh tersebut Felda mempunyai pendapatan dan ia hilang bersama dengan kemersosotan yang berlaku.
Husam yang juga Exco pembangunan ekonomi Kelantan itu berhujjah:
a. Baki pada akhir 2009 - RM 1.35 billion. b. Baki pada akhir 2004 - RM 4.08 billion.
"Antara tempoh 2004 sehingga 2009, adakah Felda tidak menerima apa-apa pembayaran? Semua ladang Felda tak ada hasil dalam tempoh lima tahun itu? Satu sen pun tak masuk?" soalnya.
Menurut Husam, kenyataan Ahmad Maslan seakan antara 2005 hingga 2009, Felda langsung tidak menerima sebarang wang dan wang berbaki hanya apa yang dibelanjakan dari rezab terkumpul sehingga 2004 tadi.
"Mustahil!!" kata Husam (gambar) kerana dalam tempoh tersebut, Felda juga menerima hasilnya dan hasil itu turut hilang dan hanya tinggal RM1.35 bilion sahaja pada akhir tahun 2009.
AJK PAS pusat itu berkata, "maklumat tepat yang saya perolehi, antara tempoh 2005 hingga 2009, Felda menerima pendapatan tunai sejumlah RM 5.2 billion lagi!"
Penerimaan tunai Felda adalah seperti berikut;
a. 2005 - RM 682 juta b. 2006 - RM 697 juta c. 2007 - RM 1.270 billion d. 2008 - RM 1.70 billion. e. 2009 - RM 830 juta
Jumlahnya menghampiri RM 5.2 billlion!
Jumlah ini, kata Husam, perlu dicampur dengan baki 2004. Bila dicampur dengan baki 2004, jumlahnya ialah RM 9.28 billion!
Baki 2004 - 4.08 billion Masuk 2005 - 2009 - 5.2 billion Jumlah - 9.28 billion
"Ini bermakna wang yang susut lebih dari RM 2.78 billion kerana jumlah semua rezab tunai Felda bersekali dengan baki 2004 ialah RM 9.28 billion ditolak dengan baki yang tinggal sehingga 2009 ialah RM 1.35 billion (RM 9.28 b tolak RM 1.35 b = RM 7.9 menjadikan jumlah sebenar yang telah susut dalam tempoh lima tahun ini ialah menghampiri RM8 billion!" tegas Husam dalam blognya.
Perbelanjaan Felda
Husam juga mempertikaikan perbelanjaan yang dibuat Felda sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Ahmad Maslan.
"Mengenai perbelanjaan pula, perhatikan semula kenyataan Ahmad Maslan di atas. Senarai perbelanjaan sehingga wang itu susut adalah seperti berikut;
"RM2 billion for replanting crops, RM603 million for interest-free housing loans, RM253 million for the Sabah poverty eradication fund and RM662 million for the new Felda headquarters."
a. RM 2 Billion untuk tanam semula b. RM 603 juta untuk pinjaman perumahan tanpa faedah c. RM 253 juta untuk program kemiskinan di Sabah d. RM 662 juta untuk menara baru ibu pejabat Felda
"Pertama : Menara Felda masih dalam pembinaan. Kenapakah bayaran penuh telah dibuat? Mustahil! Kalau masih berlaku, ia satu perkara yang sangat pelik.
Kedua: RM 2 billion untuk Tanam Semula.
"Kenapa guna rezab tunai Felda?" soal Husam.
Beliau bertanya, bukankah Felda mempunyai Tabung Tanam Semula? Bukankah Felda telah mengutip sebanyak RM4 sebulan seekar dari kesemua 112,000 penerokanya untuk lima tahun? Tabung itu sudah mencecah hampir satu billion dan tanam semula tidak pernah menggunakan rezab tunai Felda.
"Adakah kedua-dua kenyataan ini benar? Atau kedua-duanya salah?" soal beliau lagi.
Sehubungan itu, beliau membuat kesimpulan, kedua-dua kenyataan ini tidak benar adalah lebih menasabah.
"Bermakna, Felda gagal menjelaskan ke mana wang tersebut telah lesap dan Felda juga gagal menjelaskan angka sebenar wang rakyat yang di jaga oleh Felda susut," katanya.
Beliau juga berkata, jumlah yang tidak kecil. Semua perolehan ini adalah dari ladang-ladang getah dan sawit, samada mempunyai peneroka seluas 1.2 juta ekar di seluruh negara mahu pun tanpa peneroka sejumlah 800,000 ekar.
"Jika keuntungan sebesar itu disumbangkan oleh ladang-ladang di Malaysia, apa jaminan pelaburan Felda di luar negara boleh menyaingi apa yang disumbangkan dalam negara?" soalnya lagi.
Husam juga bertanya, bila Datuk Najib memperkenalkan konsep Felda patut mengembangkan sayapnya menjadi pemain global, apa jaminan pengembangan itu akan menyihatkan Felda dan bukan untuk mencabut bulu-bulunya sehingga nanti menjadi burung tanpa bulu?
Setelah Felda melabur di Amerika dan Kanada dalam Twin River Tech masing-masing sebanyak RM300 juta dan RM500 juta, berapakah jumlah keuntungan yang telah dihasilkan?
Secanggih mana teknologi pemprosesan biji bunga matahari dan soya yang ada di kilang ini sehingga pelaburan Felda sedemikian besar? soal Husam.
Dengan RM300 juta yang dibelanjakan dan pegangan 85% dalam TRT itu, mampukah Felda mengawal pengurusannya atau kita sekadar melihat dari jauh sebelum apa-apa terjadi terhadap wang kita sejumlah RM 800 juta itu tadi?
"Jangan jadi seperti kita membeli syarikat motor oleh Proton dulu yang berakhir dengan dijual hanya satu euro!" kata Husam memberikan amaran.
"Tidak semestinya bila Felda mempunyai kilang penapis sawit di sini, pengurusan penapisan bunga matahari nun jauh di Kanada juga kita boleh kuasai.
"Itu pun sebahagian kilang penapis Felda telah pun dijual kepada syarikat dari India untuk membolehkan Felda melabur tak kurang dari RM 688 juta pula dalam penternakan lembu untuk menghasilkan susu dan daging!" katanya.
Beliau juga mempersoalkan, apa istimewanya syarikat pembekal daging lembu (sebenarnya kerbau?) dari India itu tidak dketahui, sehingga selain dapat membeli kilang penapis, dapat pula menikmati diskaun belian minyak sawit mentah sebanyak USD20 per metrik tan sedangkan anak syarikat FELDA sendiri - Felda Vegetable Oil Product cuma diberi subsidi sebanyak RM20 per metrik tan.
Kesimpulannya, kata beliau, semuanya misteri! dan ada "Lubang besar di Felda?" dan "Bagaimana kita rakyat biasa boleh membongkar misteri ini?"
Sekarang tersebar luas berita kononnya Satim Diman akan meletakkan jawatan. Sungguhpun begitu tuanpunya badan belum menyatakan apa-apa tetapi berita mengenainya sudah tersebar luas di internet...pelik!!!Apabila Dacing menyatakan bahawa terdapat anasir-anasir subversif dan pengganas di Malaysia yang menjadikan kuil Batu Caves dan kuil Kuan Yin Air Hitam sebagai targetnya.
Si Kitul menyatakan ini adalah berita yang di ada-adakan oleh Dacing untuk melarikan perhatian rakyat daripada pemasalahan yang dihadapi sekarang oleh Ketua Mata Sepet tetapi kita mesti ingat siapa yang ingin lari daripada permasalahan yang dihadapai Dacing atau Mata Sepet atau Bulan Penuh dan Naib Presiden Bulan Penuh kata pulak itulah Dacing sudah takut apabila Bulan Penuh dan Pakatan Rakyat hendak menawan Putrajaya.
Persoalan keselamatan negara dan kedaulatan negara bukan perkara mainan seperti kita main perang-perang. Sekiranya tidak di perhatikan dan diselidiki dengan betul maka padahnya akan menimpa kita jua nanti. Masa itu nasi sudah jadi bubur nak salahkan siapa....
KUALA LUMPUR, June 19 — Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said the Najib administration’s recent
move to approve sports betting through tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan’s Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd was a way to “respect” non-Muslim rights in the country. Sumber :
Islam, Yahudi, Kristian, Buddha, Hindu, Sikh, Taoisme, dan macam - macam lagi agama yang wujud di dunia ini tidak pernah mengiktiraf dan menghalalkan judi.
Siapa Umno yang mahu menghalalkan judi. Siapa Mahathir ingin menentukan hukum - hakam agama selain dari Islam. Siapa Nazri yang ingin menghalalkan judi di dalam agama selain dari Islam.
Sudahlah definisi kalimah Allah di Umno kan, sekarang agama lain juga mahu diUmnokan. Umno perosak perpaduan kaum. Umno cuba menjadi Tuhan. Tanya kepada penganut agama lain apakah benar agama mereka membenarkan judi?
Apa bodoh sungguh Nazri dan Mahathir. Saya ada kawan yang beragama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan Sikh. Semuanya mengharamkan judi. Mereka tidak pernah menjumpai ayat - ayat dalam kitab agama mereka yang mengharamkan judi. Hebat sungguh Nazri dan Mahathir kerana dapat mencari satu ayat dalam kitab - kitab mereka yang menghalalkan judi.
Umno tidak dapat memerintah dengan baik. Duit dalam Bank Negara sudah hampir habis. Cara untuk mendapatkan wang dengan lebih pantas adalah membuat aktiviti perjudian dan menggesa rakyat untuk berjudi. Satu teori ekonomi kapitalis yang teramat jahat.
Umno dan BN akan tumbang kerana telah cuba membodohkan penganut agama lain. Mereka punca kepada kekalahan besar BN kelak. Sesungguhnya kekalahan besar BN sedang tiba dan akan dicepatkan lagi oleh Mahathir dan Nazri.
Sekarang kerja-kerja SiKitul ini telah meningkat tinggi dengan mengelar orang sebagai Bapa Judi dan mengeluarkan doa laknat kepada pembeli-pembeli wakil rakyat. Ini contoh tenaga upahan (macam tenaga upahan 4 juta) untuk menjatuhkan kredibilti pemimpin dan mencemarkan parti Islam yang lain dengan mengelarnya parti Yahudi.
PM ke 6 : Bapa Judi Negara (Malaysian Waves) - Masa Depan Islam di Malaysia Amat Kabur Bawah Pemerintahan Bapa Judi NegaraParti Pakatan Rakyat memang terbelahak sekarang kerana apa yang di utarakan tidak menjadi kenyataan sebaliknya batang hidung sendiri yang terkena lagi.... Inilah kerja-kerja Si Kitul yang memakan diri sendiri..Kashvinder Keluar DAP Kerana Zambry Sedang Menggelabah (Malaysian Waves)
Tulang Besi telah mendedahkan perkara ini sejak lama dahulu dalam artikel Tulang Besi bertajuk ”Target: 15 ADUN serta 20 MP Pakatan Rakyat”.
UMNO tidak sahaja akan menggunakan wang ringgit untuk membeli wakil2 rakyat PR, mereka juga menggunakan taktik ugut dan mencari kesalahan. Misalnya, salah seorang Ahli Parlimen PKR, isteri beliau sedang disiasat dengan rapi oleh Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri kerana dituduh tidak membayar cukai pendapatan sejak sekian lama.
Pendek kata, UMNO “desperate” dan mereka mengguanakan apa sahaja cara untuk membeli dan memaksa pemimpin-pemimpin serta wakil-wakil rakyat PR melompat.
Kali ini, melompatnya Kashvinder adalah tindakan desperate UMNO dan Zambry untuk menghalang wakil-wakil rakyat UMNO melompat. Apabila Ketua Penerangan PKR Perak mengadakan sidang akhbar, Zambry telah menggelabah kerana perkara yang diberitahu oleh Ustaz Khairuddin itu benar.
Meanwhile, Saifuddin claimed that Najib’s deal with Singapore over the KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) land in Tanjong Pagar was a result of Najib being held to ransom by Singapore.
“Najib quietly went to see the son of Lee Kuan Yew, and suddenly Malaysia gave up so much land, her rights... what do you say to this thought?
“I think Singapore is putting Najib to ransom. Singapore, according to private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, was where Najib had first met Altantuya Shariibuu at a diamond shop.
“Singapore has pictures of this and they are holding our prime minister to ransom, that’s why he is so ‘willing’ to give up Malaysia’s rights!” said Saifuddin to a thunderous applause.
Saturday, May 29, 2010 Adun Seberang Jaya, Arif Shah Omar telah mengeluarkan kenyataan berikut:
“Arif Shah mempertahankan keputusan kerajaan persekutuan mengeluarkan lesen tersebut, dengan menegaskan bahawa ia bertujuan untuk mengawal perjudian.
"Mengawal judi pertaruhan haram memang sukar, malah oleh polis sendiri, untuk mengambil tindakan," katanya.
"Tapi kalau ada kempen menentang perjudian, lebih mudah untuk menangkap mereka yang terbabit jika ia disahkan, jadi ia merupakan satu bentuk kawalan," tambahnya.
Soalan saya pada Arif Shah:
Kalau hendak mengawal pelacuran, adakah kita patut menghalalkannya?Logik Arif Shah ni logic paling bodoh dalam dunia. Alasan yang sama sedang digunakan oleh UMNO seluruh Malaysia. Mereka kepanasan macam ular kena palu. Mereka dah putus punca dan pertahan Najib TUn Razak sebab Najib yang keluarkan Lesen Judi Bola pada VinSetan.
Puak2 UMNO tak paham. Apabila dihalalkan judi, maka mereka yang selama ini mengikut undang-undang akan berjudi juga.
Misalnya, kalau dahulu bilangan orang yang berjudi dalam satu bandar itu hanya 500 orang kerana judi diharamkan. Apabila judi di halalkan, jumlah itu akan meningkat kepada 1000 orang. Ini kerana 500 orang yang lain itu berjudi semula kerana sebelum ini mereka mengikut lunas undang-undang.
Malahan, jumlah orang yang berjudi haram juga akan bertambah ke 1000 orang kerana judi haram biasanya akan menaikkan tawaran mereka kerana mahu bersaing dengan judi “halal”. Akhir sekali, judi hanya akan makin bertambah bukan berkurang.
Puak2 UMNO macam ADUN Seberang Jaya ada otak tapi tak tau nak pakai macamana. Guna logik dalam semak.
Saya nampak puak-puak UMNO kepanasan sangat-sangat sebab DAP sendiri tolak Judi Bola. UMNO yang mengaku Islam boleh menghalalkan judi.
Hakikatnya, UMNO dan JAIS sudah beramal dengan mazhab Khawarij yakni menghalalkan benda yang haram. Judi yang jelas haram, mereka telah halalkan. Mereka menjadikan Najib Tun Razak sebagai Nabi mereka kerana Najib Tun Razak lebih berkuasa dari Allah dan Rasul. Apa yang Najib halalkan, mereka sokong sepenuh-penuhnya.
Mereka inilah golongan Khawarij di Malaysia.
Kempen Doa Laknat Kepada Konspirator2 Pembelian Wakil-Wakil Rakyat PKR (Petikan drp Malaysian Waves)
“ Bismillahirahmanirahim. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami. Kami Hamba Mu yang lemah memohon belas ehsan dan kasihan Mu. Kami tidak berdaya untuk menghadapi fitnah wang sebegini besar. Maka, kami berserah kembali kepada kekuasan Mu Ya Allah setelah habis daya dan kederat kami telah digunakan.
Maka, kami memohon, Ya Allah, turunkan Bala yang diterima oleh Kaum Nabi Nuh dan Kaum Nabi Hud ke atas semua yang terlibat dalam usaha pembelian wakil-wakil rakyat serta pimpinan PKR tidak kira siapa mereka itu.
Ya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa, Yang Menggerakkan Awan, Yang mengalahkan bala tentera Al Ahzab. Hancurkan mereka. Menangkan kami ke atas mereka. Jadikanlah wang mereka sebagai bala ke atas mereka supaya mereka sedar bahawa Kau lebih Berkuasa dari wang mereka.
Petikan daripada Free Malaysia Today:-
Ketua Pemuda mata sepet nak jadi si Kitul - PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin has challenged Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to disclose details of the mystery man who has been linked to his son and wife Rosmah Mansor in the controversial Sungai Besi air base (TUDM) land deal. Joh Low, had secured a RM500 million contract for the development of TUDM in Sungai Besi.
By B Nantha Kumar
KOTA BARU: PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin has challenged Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to disclose details of the mystery man who has been linked to his son and wife Rosmah Mansor in the controversial Sungai Besi air base (TUDM) land deal.
Speaking to reporters after the morning session of the youth wing Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) congress, he said speculations were rife that the man, Joh Low, had secured a RM500 million contract for the development of TUDM in Sungai Besi.
“We have been told that he (Low) had secured a RM500 million contract for the TUDM deal. This is a serious allegation. We want the PM to clarify this,“ he said.
Shamsul said Low’s lifestyle in the US was also a matter of concern.
He said last year the New York Post had reported that a Malaysian known as Joh Low had “spent US$50,000 in one night in New York”.
‘We are wondering how a 20-something person could come into so much wealth,” he said.
Earlier, in his speech, Shamsul urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate Low’s flamboyant lifestyle.
“We want the MACC to find out where he got his wealth. We also want to know how he linked up with our political bigwigs,” he said.
Last night at the official opening of the congress, Shamsul said he would be making an "explosive revelation" of the TUDM deal, which was linked to an "associate" of Rosmah.
Without disclosing the name of the associate, Shamsul said the free-spending mystery man was a wealthy 28-year-old Chinese with ties to Hollywood.
Shamsul said the young businessman had been spotted on the Hollywood social scene with Megan Fox, star of blockbuster movie, Transformers.
Promising to reveal more at today’s congress, he said: “Tomorrow (today), I will reveal things about a particular personality, a graduate of an overseas university.”
The sixth PKR national congress begins today. The three-day congress began with the joint official launch of the Youth and Women’s wings congress by deputy PKR president Syed Husin Ali at the Kelantan Trade Centre here.
The congress proper, for both wings, is currently under way.
In their addresses last night, both Shamsul and women chief, Zuraida Kamaruddin, touched on the defections of party members and the need to consolidate and prepare for the general election.
Syed Husin stressed the need for the party to possess credible candidates with a pronounced sense of value.
He said the process of creating a group of leaders with calibre involved training and grassroots work.
Syed Husin said while PKR was successfully increasing its supporter base, what was now essential was the quality of membership.
“We need members who are disciplined, politically aware and committed to the party’s struggle.
“We need members who understand and uphold the points of this struggle, and not lose their compass (bearing) when they find themselves alone,” he said.
‘Utusan Malaysia not welcome’
Meanwhile, Bernama reported today that that Utusan Malaysia is "not welcome" at the congress.
It quoted Syed Husin as saying that PKR would not chase the reporters from the Malay daily out of the congress hall.
"We won't stop them. They are not invited but we won't chase them away," Syed Husin told reporters when asked about a text message received by several media representatives here informing that Utusan Malaysia reporters were not allowed to cover the congress.
Malaysia's Royals At It Again | | |
Written by Our Correspondent (Asia Sentinel) |
Monday, 24 May 2010 |
Malay royalty present more embarrassment for UMNO
A bit more than a year ago, as a war of words raged over the Sultan of Perak's controversial decision to in effect award the speakership of the state assembly to the United Malays National Organization instead of dissolving the body for new elections, UMNO took the cause of the sultans to heart. Over the next couple of months, any time criticism was raised over a decision that plainly kept the statehouse in the hands of the ruling national coalition and that probably would have been ruled illegal in a court system not beholden to UMNO, an army of party hacks filed police reports against the critics, alleging they had insulted Malaysia's royalty. Malaysia has an eccentric system of kingship, with the country's nine sultans rotating the crown among them every five years. As the Perak statehouse squabble grew in intensity, a move – which didn't succeed – was even bandied about to give the sultansthe same protection against lese majeste as that enjoyed by the Thai king. Tengku Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya, head of the Kedah family association, told reporters at the time that a move would be made "soon"to reverse laws allowing the sultans to be criticized that were pushed through by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Some 250 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) got together to express loyalty to the Malay rulers. "If immunity is restored, the issue of mocking the Malay rulers will probably not arise," Zainol Rashid told reporters. So what to make, then, of a continuing, bitter squabble for power in the Kelantan statehouse, where members of the royal family, fighting for months over who will succeed the ailing Sultan Tengku Ismail Petra, are being investigated for murder and mayhem. At least onemurder occurred when a palace guard was shot four times and killed. It probably means it will be awhile before UMNO will use the sultans as a cudgel to beat up on the opposition. Certainly, the widening publicity over the Kelantan palace squabble has left Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak with little to say. On May 8, Najib was quoted as saying that despite charges of kidnapping and other crimes, the best way for the problem to be resolved was through consultation and negotiations among the parties involved. "We hope the health of Kelantan's Sultan Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra will be given utmost priority in findinga proper solution," he told reporters. On May 7, according to Agence-France Press, lawyers representing the ailing Kelantan sultan claimed he was being held against his will in a local hospital and applied to have him released as details of a royal power struggle unfolded. The 60-year-old Tengku Ismail apparently had been prevented from going to Singapore for treatment for long-standing heart problems that had kept him in the hospital for nine months. Other reports indicated that the sultan's first wife, the Raja Perempuan, tried to get to the Kelantan hospital where he had been forcibly installed by rival factions of the family in defiance of his orders to take him back to the palace, but had been stopped by police wearing balaclavas. She later managed to escape from them to get to her husband's side, where she spent the night on the hospital floor. She told the Malay Mail that the police had allegedly abused her and "pulled me like a cow" in an attempt to take her to the police station. According to AFP, the country's top policeman, hospital officials and the government were accused of conspiring to confine the sultan to the hospital on the orders of the sultan's eldest son and regent, the Tengku Makhota Muhammad Faris Petra, after the aborted attempt by the sultan's consort and his third son to take him to Singapore. "We take the view that the sultan is in hospital under restraint. He should not be restrained," said lawyer RajaAziz Addruse, adding the ruler was "very conscious and lucid." The Tengku Makhota and his younger brother Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, the sultan's third son, have been at each other's throats since last September, when the latter was removed from the state's succession council, which determines who becomes the next ruler of Kelantan. The current controversy follows a huge flap almost exactly a year ago, when a teenaged Indonesian-American model, Manohara Odelia Pinot, escaped from her Kelantan prince husband, Tenku Muhammad Fakhry, and the Sultan's guards by fleeing the Royal Plaza Hotel in Singapore. She later told reporters she had been abused, tortured and subjected to sexual abuse in the prince's Kelantan redoubt. The story stayed on the front pages of Indonesian newspapers and on television for days and made Manohara a celebrity in Jakarta. She told a horrific tale of intimidation and torture including having her breasts sliced with a razor, being forced to endure drug injections and other abuse. In the current controversy, police reportedly have questioned Fakhry and 10 others including his royal bodyguards in connection with the shooting of the guard, Ramli Mohamed, at the Kelantan state palace. The Malay Mail reported that the police believed the shooting of Ramli was part of a conspiracy to assassinate the crown prince, Fakhry's brother. The Kelantan controversy is only one of a continuing series of embarrassments up to and including murders and losses of fortunes at international gaming tables by members of the nine royal families. One of the most spectacular was the late Sultan of Johor, Mahmud Iskandar Almarhum Sultan Ismail, who died earlier this year at 77. Iskandar was almost singlehandedly responsible for Mahathir's decision to end legal immunityfor the sultans in 1993. He was dismissed as the prince regent of Johor, by his father, Sultan Ismail Ibrahim, in 1961 after he reportedly chained two policemen into a dog kennel for a day after they displeased him. He was later reported to have attacked a young couple with Mace after they allegedly offended him. In 1972, he was charged forMacing two men because their car had overtaken his on the highway. In 1971, he shot and killed a trespasser walking near his private helicopter. He was charged with manslaughter but his father intervened, as the sultan did repeatedly at other times, and granted him a pardon despite his disapproval of his actions. Iskandar's family wasn't much better. His eldest son, Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, now named the sultan, shota man dead in a nightclub but was also pardoned. There have been plenty more cases as well, including fist fights in nightclubs between rival gangs of royal families. In several instances, state governments have had to bail out royal families which have run up huge gambling debts in Las Vegas and London despite the Islamic prohibition against gambling. The Malay rulers by order of the constitution are guardians of the Islamic faith. |