Friday, April 30, 2010

Malaysiakini Perkauman

Wahai sekelian orang Melayu anda lihatlah petikan yang di ambil oleh penulis daripada artikel Malaysiakini 29/4/2010 -jam 8.04 pagi

Disgusted: Go for it, Zaid. Even if you don't win... at least it comes out in the open. Let's pray that some day Umno will be chased out of Putrajaya. Only then can Malaysia begin to move forward.

It is very difficult for any candidate to accept defeat gracefully when the opponent uses the dirtiest means to secure a win. What honour was there in this victory?'

Zaid to file election petition

Loyal Malaysian: If Zaid Ibrahim believes he has recourse to an election petition, he should pursue it. What about those voters denied their voting rights because the EC transferred them to another constituency arbitrarily?

Kgen: The transfer of pro-opposition voters outside the constituency is certainly illegal as redrawing boundaries can only be done with an act of parliament. The EC (Election Cheater) must be legally challenged on this or it opens the gates for another form of cheating.

Swapping 14,000 voters between polling stations to cause confusion and ostensibly help BN is bad enough. However, the EC displays its stupidity by resorting to this desperate act. It is mainly old people who are inconvenienced from voting, those who generally support BN.

Cocomomo: Zaid said he will sue for only RM1. While he is suing as a matter of principle and not for the money, he should pursue the suit to claim the maximum amount possible, as some people will only learn if they suffer 'monetarily'. They should not be allowed to get away with false and defamatory statements. If Zaid succeeds, he can donate the money to an appropriate charity.

WandererAUS: It is very difficult for any candidate to accept defeat gracefully when the opponent uses the dirtiest means to secure a win. As seen in this Hulu Selangor 'buy-election', Umno acted without any integrity and principle. What honour was there in this victory?

The Umno-led coalition, with its gutter politics, obscene buying of votes and intentional lies against its opponent has brought shame to the coalition and nation, a pariah political party in a democratic society.

Ong Guan Sin: Zaid made the right move. It should be welcome by all right-minded Malaysians. We all knew about the blatant vote-buying by PM Najib Abdul Razak (RM50,000 for the 100 Felda settlers, etc), and yet, we seem to accept it as a cultural thing.

What Zaid is doing here is to counter such culture from taking hold in our society. The culture of vote-buying, whether the giver and the receiver, is never right.

Lonestar: Zaid should just go ahead and file his petition. The rakyat should not be held to ransom whenever elections are held. The money that is used during such 'buy-elections', like the RM50,000 given to the Felda folks is the rakyat's, and not for the government to use to fish for votes.

Plans for development should not be announced during election campaigns and provided only if the government of the day wins. Development should be provided wherever and whenever needed, whoever wins. Let's have cleanly fought elections.

Concerned citizen: Why is it that Zaid wants to sue Utusan Malaysia for saying he is kaki botol (alcoholic), but not the bloggers who call him kaki botol? Double standards?

Take the loss like a man. Pakatan Rakyat and the Selangor government were not exactly innocent in the by-election. There were many handouts by them also. Don't be a sore loser.

Pissed off: A perfect gentleman continues to fight for principles. Unfortunately, how do you fight in courts that already have pre-arranged verdicts? But yes, please do show these parasites that money can't protect them forever from the people from whom the money was stolen.

Inspector Closseau: Go for it, Zaid. The rakyat can clearly see that the Hulu Selangor election is a clear 'buy-election'. To make matter worse, the Election Commission (EC) kept quiet throughout the campaign period. Whoever won the election on promises of monetary return or in kind violated the Election Act 1958.

Another point is how on earth can a winner be declared when the number of votes counted is more than the voter turnout. You can spin all you want, EC, but the statements you've made clearly shows an incompetent EC.

Chee Hoe Siew: Dear Zaid, Please heed my advice and refrain from pursuing this matter, because it will do you more damage than benefit. The opposition should learn by now that they are not going anywhere within Malaysia's system, because the civil service is controlled by Umno.

Have patience and do more work with the grassroots. This has been Pakatan's weakness, especially for PKR. You lost because you have not cultivated a bond with the people of Hulu Selangor. That's why they can easily be bought over.

BTN: Zaid, teach all this people who accused you a lesson on what it means to be a good and fair Muslim. They profess to be Muslims, but their deeds are worse than Satan's. They have neither fairness nor professionalism at all. They behave as if they were plucked out from some distant kampung and suddenly clothed in suit and tie. This type of people will bring shame and disaster to the Malays.

Disgusted: Go for it, Zaid. Even if you don't win... at least it comes out in the open. Let's pray that some day Umno will be chased out of Putrajaya. Only then can Malaysia begin to move forward.

This means that Pakatan should get the Sibu seat. I can tell you that the Ibans decide who wins Sibu because the Chinese voters are now aware of BN's corruption. Ibans are easy to sway. Just 'camp' at their longhouse for one or two weeks before elections, slaughter some pigs, bring crates of beer and "langkau" (traditional alcoholic drink) every day until election day.

On top of that, provide anything they ask for - plates, spoons, zinc sheets, rice, sugar, etc. Give RM5 to RM50 to each family. This was exactly what BN did during the Lubok Antu 'buy-election'.

The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only Malaysiakini subscribers can post comments. Over the past six months, Malaysiakinians have posted 50,000 comments. Be part of the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda.

This means that Pakatan should get the Sibu seat. I can tell you that the Ibans decide who wins Sibu because the Chinese voters are now aware of BN's corruption. Ibans are easy to sway. Just 'It is very difficult for any candidate to accept defeat gracefully when the opponent uses the dirtiest means to secure a win. What honour was there in this victory?'

Komen Lias Marzuki:-

Mari kita renung betul-betul dan fahami serta selami setiap isi hati pemberi-pemberi komen tersebut. Pada jangkaan saya ini bukan sebarangan orang kerana cara penulisan seolah-olah kerajaan yang di tunjangi oleh UMNO memang hendak dibunuh dan di buang ke dalam laut supaya tak timbul-timbul lagi. Siapakah orang-orang ini Melayu, Cina, India atau bangsa atau etnik lain di Malaysia. Siapa itu tak penting tapi cara penulisan itu telah menjahamankan cetusan YAB Dato' Seri PM kita untuk mencorakkan dan mengagaskan 1 Malaysia kepada rakyat Malaysia. Inilah yang dikatakan perkauman. Siapa kata Utusan Malaysia perkauman tetapi suratakhbar ini lebih teruk perkaumannya. Kononnya berpayung di bawah kebebasan untuk bersuara dan berakhbar.

So rakyat Melayu dan Islam mari kita berpegang keteguh kepada prinsip yang ringan sama di jinjing dan yang berat sama di pikul. Kuatkan semangat ukkhuwah kita dan eratkan persaudaraan kita sesama Islam jangan bercakaran dan bertikam-tikam kerana para firaun-firaun atau yahudi-yahudi mata sepet sedang menunggu untuk melanyak kita sampai lumat.

Saya bukan nak ajak berperang bersentaja tetapi perang saraf macam kita melawan komunis dahulu. Anak-anak muda ingat sini kelian adalah pertaruhan ibubapa untuk mencorakkan masa depan Malaysia agar bah kata Hang Tuah takkan Melayu hilang di dunia tetapi kita nak hilang tampuk pemerintahan seperti Melaka kehilangan segala-galanya kerana perkara fitnah, gila kuasa, rasuah dan sebagainya. Oleh orang-orang Melayu Islam sedarlah sekarang bukannya 5 tahun ataupun 10 tahun ataupun tunggulah sampai 2020 baru nak bangkit, saya rasa masa itu sudah terlambatlah kerana kita semua telah dibuai mimpi dan seronok mengejar harta dunia tanpa memikirkan masa depan generasi masa akan datang.

Bila orang lain ambil tampuk pemerintah di tiga negeri iaitu Perak, Selangor dan Pulai Pinang maka kita dapat melihat Kerajaan Perak dan Kerajaan Selangor serta kerajaan Pulau Pinang yang MB (kecuali PP) Melayu Islam tetapi tiada kuasa untuk meluluskan apa-apa semua di pegang oleh mata sepet dan roket. So mana datangnya agenda Melayu Islam, yang banyak agenda mata sepet dan roket.

Persoalannya siapa yang perkauman, UMNO atau mata sepet atau roket... Kita tanya bangau..oh bangau.. siapa banyak perkauman.. koi ingat UMNO ini tidaklah perkauman kerana ianya berjuangan untuk memberi keadilan kepada semua, sudah tentu orang Melayu itu lebih sikit ini apa yang dikatakan oleh Tan Sri Mahyuddin Yassin apabila ditanya oleh penasihat roket 1Malaysia, Malaysia 1 Melayu 2. Tan Sri jawab Melayu 1 Malaysia 2 besok dalam suratakhbar Cina keluar Tan Sri punya kenyataan perkauman. Kalou UMNO dapat 10, dia akan beri kepada MCA - 3 dan MIC - 3 atau parti-parti komponen lain - se (1), mukakan UMNO hanyo tinggal 4 sahaja. Itulah dipanggil kek akan dikongsi bersama untuk merasa keenakannya bukan seorang aje yang makan. Mata Sepet dan Roket apa kira semua di masukkan dalam kantong masing-masing itulah yang terjadi kepada bulan penuh, nama aje parti Islam tak mencerminkan Islam langsung... sendiri pikirlah semua orang.. jangan sia-siakan peluang yang ada dengan menjaja goreng pisang dan nasi lemak sahaja. Tetapkan pendirian dan kuatkan iman untuk menentukan nasib kita Melayu Islam di masa hadapan.

Siapa yang kita nak percaya YAB PM atau yang bercita-cita tak kira apa tetap nak jadi PM . Dia ingat jawatan PM itu adalah hak dia atau untuk Roket. Roket yang bawa bulan Bulan Penuh diarak ke sana ke mari macam pengantin baru , kalau dulu-dulu tak boleh duduk semeja tapi kepentingan politik Putrajaya punyai pasai, halal-haram tak kisah lagi. asalkan dapat kuasa untuk hemtam dan bunuh UMNO. Tulah jangan kata UMNO kafir, haram Iman yang dilantik oleh UMNO, lantik Iman satu lagi so ada dua Iman dan dua masjid satu masjid kuning satu lagi masjid hijau jalan kearah kesejahteraan dan keislaman dan sebagainya kerana UMNO bersekongkol dengan MCA dan MIC tapi alih-alih Bulan Penuhpun sama jua. Itulah Allah (SWT) nak tunjukkan kepada rakyat Islam Malaysia siapa yang lebih Islam dan siapa yang terselam.

Yang bercita-cita nak sangat jawatan PM tu pasai apa. Kalau orang nak sangat ini tak boleh percaya kerana contoh telah ada 16 September kita akan ke Putrajaya [semua orang yang saya temui percaya perkara itu akan dapat dilaksanakan sehingga kelam-kabut macam (Kelang Kelibut di Kerdau) BN di bawah Tun Pak Lah pada masa itu] cakap gembar-gembur sana-sini kononya ada bilangan untuk tumbangkan kerajaan BN di Persekutuan tapi tak semena-mena kerajaan Negeri Perak yang tumbang. Sekarang bangkit pula soal APCO, ini lagi canggih. Mana datang berita fitnah ini hanya Allah (SWT) sahaja yang mengetahuinya. Kita jangan termakan dengan retorik politik yang bercita-cita jadi PM dan hujahan-hujahan yang tak berfakta kerana ianya boleh jadi fitnah dan pembohongan. Orang itu memang terkenal dengan retorik politiknya macam Sukarno dahulu tapi kerja habukpun tak ada. Dia cakap kerajaan sekarang tak cekap dan berbagai lagi tapi dia yang jadi penasihat kewangan Negeri Selangor dengan bayaran RM1 sahaja tu nak buat apa. Nak perabis duit Baitulmal dan duit Zakat. Kalau tak boleh kita bagi boleh hukum tolak tepi yang penting kita ke Putrajaya. Masa itu kita kena nyanyi lagu Blues Gang "tongeh hari tongeh panas kito berarak ke Putrajaya nak jadi PM apa nak dikato". Itulah yang dirancang oleh Pulau Pinang dengan mencalonkan TKM sebagai Pengerusi Pusat Zakat. Hilang akal ke depa, depa ingat orang politik boleh duduk dalam Pusat Zakat. DYMM YDPT Agong menolak permohonan itu mentah-mentah. Syabas Tuanku kerana kita kena berpegang kepada prinsip Islam itu sendiri bukannya prinsip politik Islam itu.

Lias Marzuki - 30/4/2010

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